Monday, 29 June 2015

Google Free Seo Tools

1. Google Webmaster Tools
If you only make use of one tool from this list, Google Webmaster Tools is the plum choice. Just as the logo uses a spanner, making use of Webmaster Tools is akin to giving your site a regular service; use it to keep everything running smoothly, and spot bigger issues quickly.

Find out if your site has a manual penalty, identify crawling issues and broken links, see how many pages are indexed, download links, test your robots.txt file or structured data, and plenty more, all for free. It’s a peek into how Google regards elements of your site.

Oh, and while you’re at it, check out Bing Webmaster Tools; as Sam points out, there’s lots to be gained from this free tool as well!

2. Google Analytics
Ok, we all know about the frustration of (not provided) keyword data, taking away some of our most helpful analysis. But, there’s still a HUGE advantage is having analytics data for your site in order to analyse content, user experience, the success of campaigns and more. In fact, if you’re not using analytics in your digital marketing, you’re behind the competition, no matter what.

Google Analytics remains a popular, and constantly evolving tool, though there is increasing competition from alternatives such as Clicky, Open Web Analytics, WebTrends, Omniture and more. Want some extra help? Check out the Solutions Gallery for great ways to slice your data, and the URL builder to add custom tracking to your links.

3. Google Adwords Keyword Planner
Another tool that’s been through significant, and often much-lamented, change in the last year, the Adwords Keyword Planner remains the de-facto source for many when it comes to ascertaining keyword volumes (though don’t rely on it for exact numbers), even if other tools are used for generating seed lists.

It feels that the new Planner is much more PPC focussed than the Keyword Tool it superseded, and the suggested keywords are often so broad as to be useless initially. However, there are ways to still use the Keyword Planner to get excellent data – this article by Dan Shure is a superb place to start.

4. Google Trends
And whilst we are on the topic of keywords and topics for your website, Google Trends is still a great tool for comparing traffic for different search terms, including historic, geographic and related terms (in Google’s mind) data. Understanding if a term is a rising or falling element of your topic’s vocabulary is highly valuable for creating enticing content, and available for free!

There’s extra data within the Google Zeitgeist section, detailing 2013’s most popular searches. Also worth checking out is the Hot Trends list, to see the most popular searches right now, perfect inspiration for timely content.

5. Google Consumer Surveys
We all know that understanding our audience is key to making a great website that serves their needs. Whilst surveys can cost a lot of money, Google’s Consumer Surveys have a free option for measuring site satisfaction – you can’t deviate from the four default questions without paying, but you can still get valuable data on how users perceive your site and their experience of it. This can be especially helpful when testing a new site design or content category.

6. PageSpeed Insights
Back in 2010 Google announced that site speed had become a signal in their search ranking algorithms. Subsequent studies have also shown that site speed does have an effect on your site’s visibility.

Fortunately, there is a way to create a list of suggestions for your client or development team without having to be an expert coder (though that never hurts). Google’s PageSpeed Tools includes a PageSpeed Insights broswer extension for Chrome and Firefox (as an extension to Firebug), and an in-browser version that offers even further detail. Either option will give you some actionable data to get your site literally up to speed.

7. Content Experiments
What was known as Google’s Website Optimizer has evolved into Google Analytics Content Experiments. As the name suggests, it now lives within Google Analytics rather than as a stand-alone product, but still offers an excellent, and free, way to test, measure and optimise your site.

Content Experiments ties in with the goals you have created in Google Analytics, and lets you show several different variations of a page to users. This means you can test layouts, headlines, content, colours and more to find the optimum layout. As conversion rate optimisation becomes a more common part of the digital marketing landscape, this is a great way to dip your toes in the water before making an investment in an agency or ine of the range of potent user testing tools, all while getting actionable results.

8. Google Places for Business
Want another free method for extra search visibility that’s been shown to generate traffic? Get yourself a local listings result by using Google’s Local facilities, Places for Business and Google+ Local. Multiple tools? Well, yes, somewhat confusingly, there’s two different ways to claim a local presence.

Essentially, your Google Places listing gives you control over the information that is shown in Google’s Maps, which local results make use of. Google+ Business pages look similar, but allow you to engage with other local businesses, post news and so on.

Which one should you go for first? Google Places for Business – as this article by local search expert David Mihm points out, it has a superior interface, and it controls the listing that appears in Google Maps, and thus most relevant search results. The differences between the two, and how to combine them are detailed by Amanda DiSilvestro. To get you going here are some excellent reads on getting started with Places for Business and local search ranking factors.

9. Google Alerts
Ah, good old Google Alerts. Whilst it’s reliability has been called into question in recent times, there’s no doubt this still holds an important place in many online marketer and content creator’s hearts.

Using Google Alerts you can keep an eye on a topic of your choice with regular updates from Google themselves on the latest index updates. Common uses include finding non-linking citations of your brand, or to keep an eye on the latest news on a topic or company of interest.

Ross Hudgens shows some of the inventive ways to use the service here. A great function of Google Alerts is the option to it as an RSS feed, perfect for keeping tabs on multiple alerts and combining with other sources. While Google Reader has sadly departed, there are plenty of other RSS readers out there that can do a great job in its place.

Whilst on the topic, there are some good alternatives to Google Alerts for monitoring brand mentions, such as Moz’s Fresh Web Explorer and the appropriately named Mention (which has a free option).

10. Tag Manager
One of the most common frustrations for digital marketing efforts can be the delay caused by waiting in a queue for development time. Google’s Tag Manager gets round this neatly, letting you update many of the most common site tags without having to ask for dev support.

This is a more advanced tool, but the benefits can be great. Once the code is installed on the site, a decent array of common marketing tags can be edited without a further code update. There’s support for URL, referrer and event based tags, custom macros and more, plus a debug console. There’s also planned further integration with third party tools to even more flexibility, and it’s possible to use tags from tools such as Optimizely now.

Friday, 26 June 2015

How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

Іf уоu wаnt tо knоw mоrе аbоut how to make money with affiliate marketing уоu fіrst nееd tо rеgіstеr wіth оnе оf thе аffіlіаtе mаrkеtіng wеbsіtеs suсh аs еВау оr Аmаzоn. Yоu wіll bе рrоvіdеd wіth thе рrоduсt аnd thе tуре оf аdvеrtіsеmеnt ехресtеd frоm уоu rеgаrdіng thаt рrоduсt. Тhіs саn bе роstіng bаnnеr аds оn vаrіоus wеb раgеs, mаіntаіnіng blоgs аbоut thе рrоduсt sо thаt роtеntіаl сustоmеrs саn dеrіvе іnfоrmаtіоn rеgаrdіng іt, оr sеndіng nеwslеttеrs tо а sеlесt grоuр оf сustоmеrs wіth uрdаtеs rеgаrdіng thе рrоduсt оn а rеgulаr bаsіs.
Аffіlіаtе mаrkеtеrs саn dо аnу оnе оr аll оf thеsе асtіvіtіеs іn rеlаtіоn tо thе аdvеrtіsеmеnt оf thе раrtісulаr рrоduсt thrоugh оthеrs’ wеbsіtеs оr bу сrеаtіng thеіr оwn wеbsіtе. Usuаllу аn аffіlіаtе mаrkеtеr еаrns а роrtіоn оf thе sаlе рrісе аs соmmіssіоn еvеrу tіmе thе рrоduсt hе hаs bееn аdvеrtіsіng fоr gеts sоld. Тhеrеfоrе, hіs іnсоmе іs bаsеd оn thе numbеr оf unіts оf thе рrоduсt hіs аd саmраіgn hаs bееn аblе tо sеll tо сustоmеrs.
Моst аffіlіаtе mаrkеtеrs hаvе lеаrnеd how to make money with affiliate marketing bу wоrkіng hаrd tоwаrds thе рrојесt. Оnlу роstіng іnfоrmаtіоn аbоut thе рrоduсt оn уоur wеbsіtе іs nоt еnоugh tо аttrасt сustоmеrs еnоugh tо buу thе рrоduсt. Тhе kеу роіnt tо rеmеmbеr hеrе іs wеb trаffіс. Іf уоu wеbsіtе оr blоg саnnоt gеnеrаtе еnоugh wеb trаffіс nо mаttеr hоw оftеn уоu uрdаtе уоur wеb раgе, уоu wіll nоt bе аblе tо sеll еnоugh unіts.

Ѕоmеtіmеs trуіng оut dіffеrеnt рrоduсts іn оrdеr tо сhооsе а sіnglе оnе оut оf thеm tо соnсеntrаtе оn іs а gооd wау оf stаrtіng оut аs аn аffіlіаtе mаrkеtеr. Іn thіs wау уоu rеаlіzе whісh рrоduсt hаs а strоng соnsumеr bаsе, аnd whісh dоеs nоt. Іf уоu stаrt mаrkеtіng а рrоduсt thаt hаs рооr dеmаnd іn thе mаrkеt уоu wіll nеvеr bе аblе tо еаrn еnоugh mоnеу.

Yоu аlsо nееd tо dо sоmе rеsеаrсh rеgаrdіng thе рrоduсt аnd thе tуре оf соnsumеrs аssосіаtеd wіth іt. Іf thе соnsumеr grоuр іf оf аn оldеr аgе, thеn уоur аррrоасh tо thе mаrkеtіng tесhnіquе shоuld bе dіffеrеnt thаn іn саsе оf thе соnsumеrs соnsіstіng mоstlу оf сhіldrеn.

Іf уоu wаnt tо knоw еvеrуthіng аbоut how to make money with affiliate marketing уоu shоuld аlsо dіsсuss уоur strаtеgу wіth thоsе whо hаvе ехреrіеnсе іn thіs fіеld. Νоthіng bеаts gооd ехреrіеnсе. Νо mаttеr hоw muсh уоu rеsеаrсh аnd studу thе mаrkеt аnd thе реорlе аssосіаtеd wіth іt, уоu wіll nеvеr knоw whаt ехасtlу уоu shоuld dо unlеss уоu dо іt.
Тhеrеfоrе, thе wау іn whісh уоu саn bе mоst surе аbоut уоur асtіоns іs tо tаkе оріnіоns оf ехреrіеnсеd аffіlіаtе mаrkеtеrs whо hаvе fеlt thе uрs аnd dоwns оf thе busіnеss.
Ноwеvеr, dоn’t ехресt tо еаrn mоnеу thrоugh аffіlіаtе mаrkеtіng оvеrnіght. Оnсе уоu соvеr аll thе stаrt uр bаsеs, уоu wіll hаvе tо wаіt fоr реорlе tо bесоmе аwаrе оf уоur ехіstеnсе іn thе mаrkеt. Оnсе thе mоnеу stаrts rоllіng іn, thеrе іs nо stорріng tо іt.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

SEO Tips, Tricks & Ranking Factors For Bing Search Engine

Website owners can no longer be satisfied with optimizing for Google, while ignoring Bing.

This article will show you the comprehensive list of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking factors for Bing.

(1) Anchor Text:-

Bing chooses to give a high value to editorial content, so they place a great deal of gravity on anchor text; however, it will be important to make sure that the text that is anchored is exactly the text that the site owner wants to be found for. Bing is not as powerful as Google when it comes to keyword matching, so site owners will have to be highly specific.

(2) Authorship:-

Bing has entered into a partnership with Klout, and through this partnership, they have developed their own Authorship version, which allows people to claim ownership of their content when someone else uses it without placing it in quotations. The more content that a site owner owns across the web, the higher their overall ranking will be.

(3) Backlinks:-

Backlinks have been a powerful ranking factor in the past, but they have recently taken a major hit, due to linking schemes. As with Google, Bing gives more gravity to links that come from credible and informative sites, such as .edu, and .gov domains. They also give a lot weight to links that are in the body text, but they give very little importance to links that are in the sidebar, footer or included in a list of links.

(4) Click-Through Rate:-

Bing will measure a sites CTR from the search result pages, and it will adjust the ranking of sites accordingly.

(5) Connected Pages:-

Being connected to other pages, such as those on social media networks can also boost the ranking of a web page. Bing allows users to claim ownership of social pages by using its Bing Webmaster tool.

(6) Flash:-

This is significant because of the fact that Google does not crawl flash websites, but Bing does crawl flash and they give credit to sites that use it.

(7) HTML Heading and How they Are Used:-

According to Bing, many site owners overuse the H1 tag. They assert that on one H1 tag should be used per page, and all other subtopics should be identified with H2 or H3 tags.

(8) Optimizing for Local SEO with Geographical Keywords:-

It is extremely important for localized businesses to optimize their sites for local searches. One of the most effective ways to do that with Bing is to use geographical keywords to emphasize location. Not only should geographical keywords be used in the content body, but it should also be used in the meta title and meta description as well.

(9) Keyword Density:-

There used to be a great deal of focus placed on keyword density Because of the high level of sophistication of Google’s algorithms, the focus on specific keyword density is not as intense as it is for Bing. With Bing, it is important to be very specific with the keywords being used. It may even be necessary to use a different page for each keyword in order to ensure that the keyword is emphasized enough.

(10) Mobile Optimization:-

Although this factor is resting at #10, it is immensely important to place a substantial amount of gravity on this factor. Search engine providers want to deliver their users to quality content and highly functional sites, so optimizing a site for mobile devices will go a long way to enhancing a site’s page ranking.

(11) Load Speed:-

As with Google, slow load speed will count against the site, subsequently lowering the page ranking. Again, a page that takes too long to load negatively impacts the user experience. Bing wants to get users to a site that delivers what they are looking for in a very efficacious and enjoyable manner.

(12) Page Authority:-

Bing gives a significant amount of value to page authority, which is something that has to be built over time. Therefore, it is difficult for new sites to climb up the rankings with Bing. The algorithms being used by Bing give priority to matured domains. This is good to know when considering revamping an existing site. It will be best to keep the existing URL, and simply amend the existing the content. Unique content also carries more weight than recycled and common data.

(13) Site Design and Structure:-

The design and structure of a website is immensely important to Bing. Basically, Bing is interested in ensuring that sites are intuitive and easy to navigate. According to Bing, no page on any site should be more than two to three clicks away from the home page. It is also important for the navigation on the site to have a funnel effect that allows users to move from broader topics to those topics that are more specific.

(14) Select carefully your Domain name:-

The domain name was always important in SEO for 2 primary reasons: First of all when a result comes from a domain that contains keywords, Bing tends to give it a boost for queries that contain that term. Secondly because the domain belongs to a specific TLD and this can be used as a GEO signal (for country specific TLDs only). Thus selecting the domain name carefully can have a serious impact on your rankings. Of course very long domains or domain names that contain lots of dashes should be avoided because they look spammy and they are not very user friendly.

(15) Mind the GEO signals:-

While Bing does not use different TLDs like Google for generating geo based SERPs but Bing analyzes multiple different signals to determine results for which country a particular page is more appropriate. Some of those signals are the physical location of the server, the TLD of the domain, the location of the incoming links, the traffic information that is collected from anonymous browser stats, the language of the document etc. Moreover Bing is known for using the META GEO tags, something that Google does not do.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Tips to Improve Your SEO With Social Media

 Build Links With Your Social Channels

Google used to put a high value on link building in their search rankings, no matter what quality of links you were building. When people figured this out and started manipulating rankings with fake or low-quality links to their site, Google started to focus on higher-quality links.

Links on social media are often considered higher-quality links, because social sites have a high web authority from the get-go. Even if your Facebook page is new, it’s likely to rank highly (and maybe even surpass your website) thanks to Facebook’s overall high authority.

It may sound obvious, but make sure that you include a working link to your website not only in your content, but also in every social profile you have. In addition to increasing traffic to your site, it’s also highly valuable for link building.

Grow Your Follower Base

Pages with a lot of high-quality followers rank better in searches. High-quality followers are real followers on your social channels, and a large percentage of them engage or interact with you in some form.

This interaction might be repinning pins, retweeting your content or sending you a tweet, placing reviews on Google+ or engaging with your posts on Facebook.

Social signals are a very real factor when it comes to SEO. Search engines look at social signals to find out how often you’re posting to your social media accounts, how many people interact with you and if there are social-sharing elements available to visitors to your site.

Make Your Content Searchable and Sharable

Pinterest is a great example of a social platform that makes your content both searchable and sharable. Pinterest encourages sharing to a great extent. Users post pins they like to their boards, and share them with other Pinterest users.

Many social accounts give you the option of keeping your content private, or relatively so. On YouTube, you can have unlisted videos, and only people who have links to the videos can watch them. Pinterest allows secret boards, and Twitter gives you the option to have a private profile.

When it comes to your business, you want all of your social accounts to be public, and you want all of your content to be searchable.

For example, for your Facebook profile, you have the option to make your posts searchable in search engines. To do this, go to your Facebook privacy settings and enable the option Do You Want Other Search Engines to Link to Your Timeline?, shown here.

 Use Keywords in Your Posts

Keywords are important for your website, blog and paid ad campaigns, so it should come as no surprise that keywords matter with your social content, too.

On Pinterest, a great way to rank higher in search engines is to use keywords in your pins or boards. Similarly, doing keyword research for YouTube videos can bring in traffic not only to your channel, but also to your website and blog if they’re listed in your profile. Even using keywords in your posts on Facebook can pay off.

This comes back to making sure that your content is searchable. This way, when users search for those keywords, your content will pop up.

#5: Create Local Listings

Make sure your business has a local listing on Google+ and that you include your address and other pertinent information. This allows customers to review your company directly on Google. Also, Google recommends businesses with the highest reviews first.

Using social media as a marketing tool is highly valuable in its own right, but it can offer even more value when you leverage it to increase SEO.
While some changes to SEO algorithms make it challenging to keep up with best practices, one thing that is clear is that social media can make a big impact on your search rankings.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Best and High Paying Google Adsense Alternatives

Affiliate Marketing

   As long as you are following right tactics, no one can stop you from becoming successful in affiliate marketing. Some of the tactics which you must follow for becoming successful in affiliate marketing are listed below:

    Choose the Right Affiliate
    Promote Relevant Products
    Build Email List
    Use Banners and write Honest Reviews about Products
    Keep Calm and Be Patient

Sharesale, Commission Junction, Amazon Associates and ClickBank are some of the best well-known Affiliate Network. So, now what are you waiting for ? Join any of the above mentioned affiliate network and make money from Affiliate Marketing.

Direct Advertising 

Direct Advertising is yet another popular Google AdSense alternative. Basically in this advertising method, companies directly contact you or you contact them for their product reviews, sponsorship or advertising. As there is a direct contact between you and advertiser, so you don’t have to give any commission to third-party such as Google AdSense, and BuySellAds.

Furthermore, you can set your own terms and conditions and also have full control on your ads. Typically it is seen that blogs which gets direct advertisers constantly are seen as authority in the niche and also build long-term relationships with advertisers.

Your advertisement page should have the following information:

    Why they should advertise on your blog?
    Available Ad slots with price details and mode of payment
    Google analytics page views and unique visitor’s p/m.
    Google PageRank,AlexaRank and Domain Authority
    Information about your audience and niche.
    Social media profiles

BuySellAds- Best Adsense Alternative For Bloggers

BuySellAds Aka “BSA” is an advertising marketplace where you can make a huge amount of money by selling advertisement space on your website to advertisers directly. They offer various kind of advertisement unites such as text, image, image+ test, RSS feed and sponsored tweets. Basically they charge 25% commission on every advertisement i.e. if you will sell advertisement for $500 then your account will be credited by $400 and rest $100 will go to BuySellAds. BuySellAds pays on a Net-15 basis and has a $50 minimum payout threshold. You can select PayPal, check or Wire transfer as payment method.

Honestly speaking you can make more money on BSA than Google Adsense. Now you must be thinking if we can make more money on BuySellAds then Google, then why it is not the best or widely used online advertising network? The catch is that Getting approved in BSA is very difficult as you need to have quality website with great content, web design, good Alexa rank(less than 20k), PageRank and last, but not the least you need high traffic (50k Unique visits per month)

Media.Net-Yahoo Bing Ad Network

Yahoo and Bing have collaborated to form this Contextual Ad network, which is known as It works exactly the same way  as Google Adsense i.e it shows advertisements related to blog content. The best thing about is that they provide dedicated account managers and you can customize the size, color and type (banner or text) of advertisement to be shown on your blog. pays on a Net-30 basis and has a $100 minimum payout threshold. After reaching minimum threshold, you can select PayPal or Wire transfer as payment method


RevenueHits is another good  Google Adsense alternative. It was founded in  2008, and is  owned and operated by MyAdWise Ltd(Israli Company). RevenueHits is the best network for publishers who want to generate more revenues with state of the art Contextual & Geo targeted Ad Serving technology.

The best thing about RevenueHits is that they provides self-services for publishers and advertisers, where any webmaster can come and get tags and start making money. Similary, advertisers can come and buy very high quality traffic. They pay on Net30 basis via Wire,Paypal and Payonner. Their minimum payment threshold is just $20.


Infolinks is is probably the leading InText Advertisement network in the market. They provide various types of advertisement unit such as Intext, Intag, Infold, Inframe and your conversion rate will be high as their advertisements are based on keywords and key phrases related to your website. In addition you have full control on your ads and can boost your revenue by using Infolinks with any other ad network.

Getting approved in Infolinks is not a big deal. You just have to follow basic guidelines i.e., your website should be user-friendly & you should not be submitting or promoting adult content, gambling or any kind of illegal stuff on your website. Infolinks pays on Net45 basis by Paypal, Western Union, Wire transfer and Bank. Their Minimum payment threshold for Paypal and Bank transfer is $50 and 100$ for Western Union and wire transfer.

Qadabra is one of the best alternatives to Adsense out in the market. Their set-up is really simple. Just copy and paste the ad tag you get on your site and Qadabra begins optimizing your website to display the best ads and maximize your rates. In addition to their optimized ads, the minimum payout is $1, which is the best the market offers. Qadabra offers a variety of rich media ads which is something Adsense doesn’t. With rich media ads like Stay Ons, Sliders, light boxes & Pop-ups, you can definitely make more money because these types of ads are proven for higher performance. Whats cool with Qadabra is their sign up is really fast and your ads appear immediately so you don’t have to wait while your account gets approved like Adsense.  Try it out and Sign Up Now


Chitika is another very useful and widely used Google Adsense Alternative. Their advertisements look similar to Google Adsense and are based on user search engine queries. Like infolinks you have full control on your ads and can use Chitika with any other ad network like Google Adsense.

Getting approved in Chitka is also very easy. Just create an account and put their code on your website. Chitika pays on a Net-30 basis and has a $10 minimum payout threshold for Paypal and $50 for check. A typical Chitika advertisement looks like the following in the image.

Adversal is another advertising network, which is considered a top Google AdSense Alternative. They provide banner and Pop up advertisments and have very high CPM rates for USA and Canada.  They generally approve application within 3-4 business days, but before submitting your application make sure that you are getting at-least 50k page-views per month.

Adversal pays on Net35 basis via PayPal, Check, Wire and ACH. Their minimum payment threshold for PayPal and Check is$20 and for Wire is $250. To earn extra income you can also join their referral program.


Viglink is an advertising network which converts normal outgoing links into affiliate links. When someone makes purchases using your affiliate link, then you will receive commission just like a normal affiliate. The best thing is that, Viglink is SEO friendly, reviews websites very quickly and and there’s no minimum payout, but you need to wait at least 60 days to receive payment. They pay only via PaypaL.
Tribal Fusion:

Tribal Fusion is certainly one advertising network which will never miss you Google Adsense. They’re the highest paying CPM Ad network in the market, but getting approved in TribalFusion is extremely tough. You need to have a minimum of 5,00,000 unique visits per month, professional blog layout, top-level domain and your content should be updated regularly. In other words, we can say TribalFusion is made for big websites. Tribal Fusion pays  55% of revenue to their publishers on Net45 basis. They pay only via Check.


 Kontera is another good alternative to Google Adsense. Like Infolinks, they’re also an In-text advertising network and show advertisements based on important keywords related to your blog post. Kontera is open for both small and big websites/blogs and their CPM rate is quite decent too. Their Minimum payment threshold is $50 and they send payments every 30 days via Paypal, Check and Wire

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Ways to Generate Leads with Social Media

If part of your marketing plan involves generating leads, then social media should be part of that strategy. Social media can drive the type of web traffic from those that are actively seeking your information. They may even be ready to buy. Using social media monitoring, content creation, advertising, and networking, you will be a hero at your organization by bringing in leads like never before.

Build a network of strong ties
In order to create leads, you need to have interaction, affection, and time -- all of which aided by social media. Here are some ways to create strong ties:

1.  Follow prospects on Twitter.

2.  Friend new connections on Facebook.

3.  Conduct a Google Hangout with industry leaders.

4. Host a webinar with registration.

5.  Answer questions on social channels.

6.  Use Help a Reporter Out to offer information.

7.  Share peer referrals.

8.  Reach out to prospects where they're engaging.

9.  Expand pool of prospects.

10. Share a Vine video.

Influence connections for content sharing
Publishing and sharing content online is the single biggest lever to increase lead generation. Here are some content ideas:

11. Write ebooks and gate them with forms.

12. Crowdsource content and credit your community.

13. Find a tweet that promotes your content and share it.

14. Reshare existing content to breath new life into it and encourage clicks.

15. Make your content visual for Pinterest pins.

16. Blog about helpful information (not product).

17. Optimize site and blog for mobile viewers.

18. Share relevant content with prospects.

19. Make a compelling presentation on Slideshare.

20. Ensure all your content links together to create as much inbound linking as possible.

Utilize social media monitoring
Listening at the point of need can help you discover opportunities to help by offering information or expertise — without sales pressure — at the perfect time. This results in lead generation. Here's how to monitor for lead opportunities:

21. Monitor for buying indication terms within your product category.

22. Monitor for recommendation requests within your product category.

23. Monitor for discussions of your product category.

24. Monitor target prospect personas to confirm accuracy.

25. Monitor questions and conversations about your product category.

26. Discover topics for remarkable content.

27. Discover competitive insights.

28. Monitor for key phrases customers are using when seeking help.

29. Spot and answer direct questions from prospects.

30. Monitor industry trends.

Use social ads to generate leads
Paid advertising on social media, such as sponsored tweets on Twitter or promoted content on Facebook can help you generate leads. Here are 10 examples of how to do it:

31. Use a Facebook ad to drive traffic to your website.

32. Use a promoted Tweet to drive traffic to your website.

33. Link back to dedicated landing pages for conversion.

34. Sponsor a form on another Facebook page.

35. Create an ad on LinkedIn linking to a lead generation form.

36. Promote a strong call to action.

37. Promote offers.

38. Make ads visually appealing for Pinterest pins.

39. Advertise on relevant forums.

40. Organize ad distribution by target personas.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search can be a huge driver to your website and utilizing key phrases in your content, social channels and throughout your website can boost your SEO. That will enable prospects to easily find your site, hence aiding in lead capture. Here are 10 ways to do it:

41. Include key phrases in your tweets.

42. Link to your blog from Facebook.

43. Ask followers to link to your website.

44. Use keywords on your LinkedIn company page.

45. Include keywords in your blog post headlines and body.

46. Tag and name your images.

47. Categorize and tag your blog with key phrases.

48. Share ebooks using key phrases.

49. Upload videos to YouTube (2nd largest search engine).

50. Encourage sharing with the G+ button on your web pages.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015


Today easy to use and fast and free SEO tools are available in the market.

Here is the list of 15 Free SEO Tools For Digital Marketing :-

1. Google PageSpeed Insights

(Check the speed and usability of your site on mobile and desktop)

Just Enter your website URL and it will test loading time / performance for multiple devices like desktop and mobile. This tool also suggest you to optimise and improvement tips. Mobile results is based on User experiences / graphics & fonts sizes and loading.

More than 80+ score assumed good for a healthy / fast website, A good PageSpeed score also help to improve website indexing in Google, because as per google humming bird algorithm fast website loading will boost the google ranking.

Moz Local Listing Score

(Check how your local business looks online)

MOZ fetch data from various 15+ sources including Google / Foursquare / Facebook & Yahoo etc. All data create a score your business on how it looks online.

3. Google Analytics
(Complete Web stats and search insights)

In addition to tracking pretty much every bit of traffic you could imagine on your website, Analytics also surfaces many keyword insights as to which terms people use to land on your pages.

4. Google Webmaster Tools + Bing Webmaster Tools

(Constant website analysis, alerts, and error reports)

These webmaster tools help give you a taste of what the two top search engines think of your site. It’s helpful to see any bugs, alerts, and indexing issues.

(More than 600+ keyword ideas based on a single keyword)

Enter a keyword and get huge / useful long-tail keyword results ordered alphabetically.

6. Open Site Explorer

(Comprehensive link analysis)

The free version of Open Site Explorer gives you a quick look a full range of link analysis, including a look at the most impactful links coming your way and your most linked-to pages.

7. Google Keyword Planner

(Know what people search for)

Enter a keyword or group of keywords into the tool, and Google will return all sorts of helpful stats to guide your keyword strategy: monthly search volume, competition, and even suggested terms you might not have considered.

8. in an Incognito Window

(Discover auto-fill opportunities)

Searching in an incognito window will bring up that all-familiar list of autofill options, many of which can help guide your keyword research. The incognito ensures that any customized search data Google stores when you’re signed in gets left out. Incognito may also be helpful to see where you truly rank on a results page for a certain term.

9. Google Trends

(Changes in search volume for key terms)

A quick browse or search through Google Trends can show you the hockey-stick rise of potential terms and SEO opportunities for your content.

10. QuickSprout Website Analyzer

(Full analysis of your website)

The QuickSprout tool does a comprehensive look at just about everything: SEO optimization, speed, tags, keywords, social, links, and even competitor comparisons.

11. Schema Creator

(Uber-customize the way your search results appear)

Create custom code so that your reviews, events, organizations, and people are displayed the way you want on search pages. Once you’ve created your schema code, copy and paste to your website, or try the free WordPress plugin for an even easier implementation.

12. SimilarWeb
(View site stats for any domain)

Use this tool to compare traffic between two websites, a helpful tool for competitor research.

13. SERPs Rank Checker

(See where your site ranks for certain terms)

You can run Rank Checker one of two ways: Input your keyword and your website and see where you land, or leave the website field blank to view the top-to-bottom list of results for a keyword.

14. SEO Site Checkup

(Audit and score for your website)

Site Checkup runs through a fast audit of your site, checking for proper tags and surfacing any errors that might come up.

15. Find Broken Links

(Discover errors on your site)

The link report from Ninja Internet Marketers combs through your whole site and highlights a number of link insights, including the internal and external links that need fixing.

How to use Meta Tags in SEO? – Tips and Tricks

Why META Tags are very important in SEO?

Meta Tags were taken by search engines to index our web pages based on the title, description and keywords we provided in the html document.

There are so many Meta Tags are available. Here I’m going to explain you which to use in your web pages.

META Title
META Description
META Keywords
META Author
META Robots
META Charset
META Viewport

META Title

How to use META Title?

<title> – Used the define the Page Title. It should not more than 65 characters including space.

Google will try to ignore the characters written after 65 chars in the title tag. So make sure to keep the page title as short and relevant in order to boost the traffic from search engines.

Writing good articles and keeping irrelevant titles will not listed in top 10 search results in google. So please keep some good title for your contents.

How to use META Description?
Google will not consider your Meta Description for your search engine ranking, But Google will display your description in their search results below title. So there is a high chance that visitors will see your content and come to your site from search engines.

<meta name="description" itemprop="description" content=" is a programming blog maintained by Karthikeyan K. Tutorials focused on Programming, Jquery, Ajax, PHP,HTML5, CSS3, Web Design  and MySQL" />

In the above code, itemprop=”description” is the description of the rich snippet and should be limited to 185 characters and its for Google+

In order to get more clicks to your websites, you should write a fantastic meta description.

Most search engines use a maximum of 160 characters for the meta description.

If meta description is empty then search engines will take the description from the content of the page.

How to use META Keywords?

Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking

Meta Keywords plays a very small role in SEO but its very important when it comes to Search Engine Marketing.

A comma separated list of your most important keywords for the content that will be written as META keywords.

Use popular SEO plugins like WordPress SEO by Yoast to check your keyword density.

<meta name="keywords" itemprop="keywords" content="Facebook Scripts, Jquery Plugins, Pricing Tables, Alert Boxes, Html design, Codeigniter Tips, facebook wall scripts, w3lessons, PHP Scripts" />

How to use Author Tag?

Google, Yahoo!, or Bing do not index the Meta Author tag, so it will not help you in search engine ranking.

But Facebook shows the information in the shared data.

How to use Meta Robots

This Meta tag is used to tell robots not to index the content of a page, and/or not scan it for links to follow.

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />

Above meta tag tells Google to index the page and follow any links on the page.

You can use “INDEX”, “NOINDEX”, “FOLLOW”, “NOFOLLOW” values in the content attribute.

Meta Charset

The charset attribute specifies the character encoding for the HTML document.

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta charset="UTF-8">

How to use META viewport

The meta view-port tag gives the browser instructions on how to adjust the dimensions and scaling of the page to the width of the device. When the meta view-port element is absent, mobile browsers default to rendering the page at a desktop screen width (usually about 980px, though this varies across devices). Mobile browsers then try to make the content look better by increasing font sizes and either scaling the content to fit the screen or showing only the part of the content that fits within the screen.

Use meta view-port tag to control the width and scaling of the browsers view-port.
Include width=device-width to match the screen’s width in device independent pixels.
Include initial-scale=1 to establish a 1:1 relationship between CSS pixels and device independent pixels.
Ensure your page is accessible by not disabling user scaling.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Important E-Commerce/Business Websites

Web shopping is presently getting less demanding, mainstream and helpful with the start of e-business sites on the web.

Web Shopping (E-business) industry is substantial and various types of advanced details are being incorporated inside of the same so that internet preparing of shopping and installments subsequent to acquiring merchandise or administrations can be exceptionally encouraged.

With the beginning of e-business locales, online stores have expanded and along these lines you can now make online buy instead of moving from one store top another physically.

You can likewise get enhanced site streamlining by including extraordinary shopping components and the premise of that you got the opportunity to edge the best website improvement (SEO) method for e-business sites.

Site design improvement (SEO) may appear to be so uncomplicated on the ground for web shopping (E-business) sites, yet by and by, there are more than several interconnect things that must be balanced and checked keeping in mind the end goal to see positive results on internet searchers.

Site design improvement (SEO) procedure is considerably more confused and hard-hitting for e-trade (internet shopping) sites, which work under a special arrangement of functionalists and must stay to a different arrangement of best practices.

All the variables still apply on e-business Search motor advancement (SEO): distributed awesome substance, procuring quality inbound connections, and keeping up a continuous social networking battle.

Here are few definite tips for Search motor advancement (SEO) of an e-trade or business site:-

1. Make exceptional item portrayals for each item:-

This is amazingly critical. It's enticing to utilize a maker's portrayal for your items, or to rehash segments of substance for comparable items, however the best system is to make a totally remarkable depiction for each of your items. It's a great deal of work in advance, however copy substance can seriously obstruct your battle, and all that additional one of a kind substance will pay off promptly.

2. Support client audits:-
Encourage your clients to post surveys on every individual item page. Amazon executes this flawlessly, so take a gander at any item page on for an awesome case of how to execute client audits. Google loves seeing exceptional, worth including substance, and with an e-business site, you have a key chance to create free substance from your client base. Also, you'll support deals by giving individuals more knowledge into the nature of the items you offer.

3. Set up simple site route:-

This is urgent for both accomplishing higher web search tool rankings and enhancing your website's client experience. Sort out your item pages as naturally as could be expected under the circumstances, isolating them into effortlessly searchable and effectively justifiable classes. Make your site map clear and simple to take after, and plan your site in a manner that satisfies the eye and quickly coordinates clients where to go.

4. Improve your site burden times by lessening the measure of your pictures:-

 It's vital to have brilliant pictures on your item pages, yet don't go over the edge. Having an excess of top notch pictures on one page can back off your site, which is awful for SEO. Rather, diminish the span of your pictures, or assemble an element that permits clients to "zoom in" to see a bigger rendition. This will hold your heap speeds under wraps while as yet giving your clients the quality they have to see.

5. Connection between pages wherever conceivable:-

Google inclines toward sites with worth including inward connecting. The less snaps a client needs to make keeping in mind the end goal to get to any given page on your site, the better. Enhance this by connecting every page to a few other comparable, important pages in your space.

6. Upgrade your site for versatile:- T
his is fundamental for any site, however particularly an e-trade stage, which would somehow be almost difficult to explore. Give your clients a smooth portable ordeal, either through a responsive configuration, a particular versatile outline, or an intuitive application that takes into consideration a superior portable affair. This will turn out to be progressively vital in the nearing years.

7. Incorporate your item pages with social sharing:- 

 notwithstanding fundamental social reconciliation, your item pages ought to have social-offer catches so clients can go on data about your items with their companions and supporters. This is a decent business hone as a rule however its especially useful for SEO in light of the fact that Google may utilize social flags as a measure of power.

8. Keep your out-of-stock and ceased thing pages up and running:-

 This may appear to be outlandish at first. All things considered, in case you're no more offering a thing, why try keeping the page up? It's beneficial on the grounds that it gives you more perpetual pages, and a more noteworthy base of indexable substance for Google bots to scour. You should do nothing more than include a feature or some other evidence that the thing is no more accessible.

9. Make regular classes to expand occasional consideration:-
Seasonal things have a tendency to have lower essential word rivalry, with the exchange off being a shorter time of importance. To get the most out of your occasional things, make particular regular class pages, for example, "Halloween Decor" or "Best in Fashion 2014."

10. Include a group gathering and empower development:-

Another significant substance alternative for e-business stages is a group discussion where clients can trade data about their most loved items and make suggestions to each other. It will build brand steadfastness amongst your members. Energize group development by beginning discussions and reacting to inquiries and protestations at whatever point conceivable.

11. Incorporate pictures and features for each item:-

E-business stages serve as a flawless medium for visual substance, which is developing in significance for SEO. Incorporate features and a few top notch pictures for each item you offer, labeled with applicable metadata, so every picture has a shot of appearing for a significant picture based hunt. Simply keep them put away in a manner that doesn't meddle with site stacking times.

12. Make your site secure:-

It's generally been a best practice for e-business destinations to have HTTPS encryption for client security. On the off chance that you don't have it, get it now. Notwithstanding giving an additional layer of client security, it likewise gives a critical positioning sign to Google.

13. Construct profound inbound connections:-
Link building for e-business locales presents a huge open door: abundant material for profound connecting. At the point when participating in an external link establishment battle, concentrate on achieving connections to the most profound pages on your site that you can, (for example, corner item pages).

14. Consistently check your pages for lapses:-

E-business destinations can develop inconvenient quick, since they generally have an immense (and developing) number of pages. Perform routine checks to verify none of your permalinks are creating 404 mistakes, and that the greater part of your connections to outside substance are still utilitarian. You can do this utilizing Google Webmaster Tools and a webpage creeping apparatus, for example, Screaming Frog.

15. Fabricate appropriately titled URLs:-

Every URL on your e-business stage ought to be extraordinary, significant to the page, and decisive word streamlined. In case you're utilizing a mechanized method for page creation, you may be left with a URL finishing in a long arrangement of numbers and letters–change these quickly. For instance, in case you're putting forth a substantial red umbrella on a particular item page, end your URL with/huge red-umbrella-v1 as opposed to/10031490314180.

16. Use appealing meta portrayals for your items:-
When a page shows up on a web crawler positioning page (SERP), the meta depiction shows up as content under the hyperlink. Utilize this further bolstering your good fortune by composing convincing duplicate for each of your items' meta depictions. Your objective ought to be to quickly get your client's consideration, and draw him or her in.

17. Improve your site's inward pursuit usefulness:- 

 It's imperative to understand that Google isn't the main web index you should be pondering. On the off chance that you need your clients to continue shopping on your site, you have to construct and refine an inner pursuit work that can productively scour your site and give the most pertinent results to your clients. This implies building a calculation that can deal with incorrect spellings, offer prescient quests, and deal with each page on the site. It likewise means streamlining your item titles and classifications to be searchable both inside and remotely.

18. Unoriginality and dark cap systems are kept away from:-
Backlink buys are considered as the untrustworthy method for streamlining e-business destinations online and therefore you must dodge the same as there is no alternate route for coming to achievement. This is one of the main reasons that white-cap procedures are normally entertained by supplanting dark cap methods of SEO. The substance of item depictions are not to be copied else you won't have the capacity to make trafficking in your online website and that will consequently hamper SEO. In the event that you need individuals to leave sound remarks, then nothing can be the best choice other than making crisp substance.

19. Fixation on focused on purchasers:-
You got the chance to comprehend the real prerequisites or requests of the focused on purchasers else you won't have the capacity to create imperative trafficking to your online website. You have to say the item highlights in such a way thus, to the point that the substance can be effortlessly obvious by the purchasers and they can come to think about the items. The promotions should be shown in distinctive online pages particularly social networking pages and other prominent locales where the trafficking is high.

20. Production of alt labels and class pages:
Try to make suitable classes so that the items can be shown under them in a key way. This is truly very helpful for the guests. Inner connecting and item photograph labeling can be adequately done by method for making alt label

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

SEO Latest Updates and SEO Techniques

 Best SEO Techniques


        Use keywords in the page title.
        Use different title and meta tags for each page.
        Use file names that contain key phrases. For example
        Use keywords in the 'anchor text' links.
        Use alt tags to fill all of the images and title of the links.
        Do not use underscores in long file names, use hyphens (-).
        Use headers (h1, h2, h3) to define the content and importance placed on these keywords.
        Use best technology for the page to load faster and the user does not have to wait.
        Use site map (for the user), other XML (for search engines)


After Google Panda Update content is termed as King to rank higher on the search engines. Be careful about the density of keywords and phrases and maintain a balance between what visitors and search engines looking for.

        You should provide original content or information.
        Content should provide complete and comprehensive coverage of the topic.
        The content should be something that you would want to share or recommend.


The more often search engines index websites continually changing content, so if we keep quality content, and creating a level of acceptable data, the climb in the search engines will be faster.


It is important to create a virtual community that generates changing and dynamic content for your website. This is basically to manage and maintain a blog  or be a member of a social networking site like Facebook, twitter & linkden.

You can optimize your social media profiles for search by following below steps :

        Be active – Keep updating your social profiles like you do with blogs and websites.
        Engage with your followers & fans - Engaging with others will keep your profile updated.


Write articles, reports, comments on other websites and give feedback in forums ....& add a link of your website where ever you post articles or write your feedback.


You need to always talk about your blog or website. Organizing online contests giving a prize for the best web design, or the best design for a logo, always gives publicity to the organizer. So use your own ways to be famous as this will increase traffic to your website.


Publish about your website or blog in newspapers, magazines, etc., Attend conferences and seminars.  If somebody read your article in the newspaper is very probable that visits your site. Word of mouth is still an effective technique to promote your website.


Keep monitoring the traffic generated by your website. Use Google Analytics for the same. You can know about the low-performing keywords & eliminate them.

But be cautious as changing keywords may take a long time to be noticed, for better or for worse, and you have to analyze the results well before embarking on a radical change.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Top Google Ranking Factors + SEO in 2015

You Know That Internet users are Growing very Fast Currently 3 Billion Peoples use Internet Daily and More Than 350 Million Sites Launch Per Year wow Amazing So That’s Mean There is Too Many Competition and For Making your Site on Top you have to work Hard and Learn Important Google ranking Factors to Get Huge Organic Traffic on your Blog/Site.

50 Most Important Google Ranking Factors

1 : Domain Age :- Google use Domain Age to Rank a Site Like if your Site is 3 Months Old and your Competitor Site is 8 Months Old Then Your Competitor will Get Better Ranking in Google Search.

2 : Domain Authority :- Google Use Domain Authority to Rank a Site Like Facebook Domain Authority is 100 That,s Amazing 100 out of 100 But it is not Easy to get 100 But if your Blog Authority is More Than 40 Then it,s Good.

Check your Domain Authority :

3 : Keyword in Domain Name :- Having Keyword in Domain Name will Give Google a Positive Signal Like Have Blogging as Keyword in URL

4 : Top Level Domain :- Google and Bing Both Use This that Top Level Domain Like .Com,.ORG or .Net domain will get Better Ranking in International Searches

5 : Country Level Domain Name :- Usually Country Level Domain Use for Business Like , or or any Other so Give them a Better Ranking from Their Country Searches like .us will Get more Traffic from United States

6 : Domain History :- Domain History Even Every Search Engine Use This Like you have Domain which was Get a Dmca Complaint or any other Penalty in Past then you will not get top Ranking in Google Easily
7 : Keyword in Title Tag :- Having Keyword in Title Tag will Increase your Blog Ranking

8 : Keyword in Post Link URL :- Helps to Get in top with That Keyword in Google Search

9 : Keyword in Post First 100 Words :- Google See First Paragraph Very Deeply so having Keyword in first 100 words Can Increase Chance for Betting Ranking.

10 : Keyword in Post Meta Description :- Must add Keyword in Meta Description it will also increase Chances for high Ranking

11 : Keyword Stuffing :- Google Hates Keyword Stuffing Like adding a Single word again and again without need Called Keyword Stuffing.

12 : Content Length :- More words Can Describe a Content topic Deeply so Google Use This Factor Mean More Than 2000 words Post will Get Higher Ranking Below is Graph which show how many words are best to Get in 1st Page.

13 : Page Loading Speed :- Google Love Those Site Which are Fast and you can,t Even Think that Just by Increasing your Blog Speed How much your Traffic will Increase

14 : Duplicate Content :- if you have Duplicate Posts Then Forget about Getting Organic Traffic Because no Search Engines Like Duplicate Content.

Duplicate Content Checker : Copyscape

15 : Duplicate Meta Description :- Duplicate Meta Description can Lose your even awesome Post Ranking in Recently Google says Create a Unique Meta Description for Every Post or Leave it Google will Create it itself.

16 : Page Loading Speed in Chrome :- As every Google Chrome User Know that Chrome is Faster than any Other Browser so Google take it very Seriously if your Site is Loading Slow in Chrome

17 : Alt Attribute Tag in Images :- ALT Tag Help Google to Index your Blog Image and Help to add them with right Keywords

18 : Site Updates :- Google Love Those Site Which Updates Daily or 2 Times in a Week

19 : Out Bound Links Quality :- Google also Love Good Authority site Outbound Links it,s Help Google to Determine your Post Quality Example : CNN ,MSN Like These Authority Sites

20 : Quality Internal Links :- Quality Internal Links help Google to Index your all Blog Pages and also Help to get high Ranking.

21 : Grammar Mistakes :- Google hates Grammar mistakes because Grammar mistakes irritate Peoples and Google want us to create user friendly posts

22 : Multimedia in Post :- Google give those Sites Higher Ranking which have Images,Videos,Info-graphics or any Other Multimedia

23 : User Engagement :- User Engagement is Very Necessary and Every Search Engines take it very Seriously to Keep the Search Quality on Top.

24 : Affiliate Links :- Google hates that Blog which are full of Affiliate links so never add more than 2 Affiliate Links in any Post.

25 : Post URL Link :- Short Post URL,s get better Ranking then long Post URL,s

26 : XML Site Map :- XML sitemap is best according to Google to Submit it on webmaster Tools and Help to Index your Site all Posts.

27 : User Friendly Layout :- Google Loves Those Sites which are User Friendly and with Easy Navigation

28 : Domain Trust Rank :- Domain Trust Rank is Provided by Moz and Google Use this to Rank a Site

29 : Number of Pages :- Yes it,s also an Factor But not Necessary

30 : SSL Certificate :- SSL Certificate Sites get Better Ranking Because It Give a Signal that your Blog is Completely Secured and Google Like Those Sites which care about their visitors Privacy

31 : HTTPS :- From Last 2 Months Google Giving a Better ranking to those site which are on Https Instead of Http.

32 : Mobile Friendly :- This is most Important Google Ranking Factor and This Factors is For Mobile users now Google will Only Show Mobile Friendly Sites to Smartphone Users in Google Search.

33 : BackLinks Domain Age :- Backlinks from Old Blog are More Powerful then new blog,s

34 : BackLinks from .edu or .gov :- Matt Cutts Says : Ltd are not a Factors into Site Importance and Google dose not rank a site with Domain Name.

35 : BackLinks from Competitors :- Backlinks From Competitors are Super Powerful and Can Give Instant Boost in Organic Traffic.

36 : Natural Backlinks :- Natural Backlinks are Awesome way to Increase Ranking and will Show Results in Few Days.

37 : Backlinks from Bad Neighbors :- Links from Bad Neighbors are Extremely Painful for any Blog and Can get Penalty

38 : Do-follow Backlinks :- Do follow Links Increase your Ranking in all Search Engines.

39 : No-Follow Backlinks :- No follow Links are Not a way to Increase Ranking But Increase your Links Quantity and Increase Blog Domain Authority

40 : Guest Post Links :- Guest Posting is Nice way to get Quality do-follow Backlinks to your Blog.

41 : Broken Links :- Having too Many Broken Links are Extremely Negative Signal for Search Engines and can case Penalty or Decrease in Ranking

Check Broken Links :

42 : Selling Links :- Google hates Those Site which Sell Links or have too many Affiliate Links

43 : Dmca Complaints :- Google Down rank for Those Blogs which have Dmca Complaints.

44 : Social Signals :- Many Blogger Know That Social Media Give No-follow Links but Recently Google Says that Google also Use Social signals to rank a Site.

45 : Fresh Articles :- Google Love Fresh Contents Like Images,Text,Video or any Thing

46 : Repeat Traffic :- If your Same Readers are Coming Back to your site That,s Give a Positive Signal that Your Blog is hub of Quality and Unique Content

47 : Bookmarks in Google Chrome :- As Many of Know Google use Chrome Data to Improve Their Search and if any One Bookmarks your Blog/Site Page in Chrome Then it,s Great Signal to Google to Determine that you have Quality Content

48 : Dmoz Listed :- Dmoz is Google Top Trusted Website directory and in this advance world dmoz still checks every site manually so Google Trust those sites which are Listed in Dmoz.

49 : Google +1’s :- Google Use Google Plus +1 to Rank a Site that,s Mean if you have more +1 then Chance to Get Good Ranking depends on Post Quality

50 : Adult content or illegal words :- Sites with adult Content and illegal words Like Hacking,Phishing won,t Get higher ranking in Google.