As the old saying goes, never put the cart before the horse. Nowadays, websites are no longer a luxury - they’re a necessity for businesses in nearly all industries in order to remain competitive. In the wake of the cut-throat competitive spirit today, website owners often end up adopting aggressive marketing tactics in such haste without proper planning. This indirectly and adversely harms their website visibility in search engines when it should aid in the search. You need to be careful and attempt to avoid making the following mistakes:
Absence of a Proper Sitemap
It is the most basic fundamental rule to have a good 'sitemap' page for search engines to index your website. This is essential irrespective of how well your pages are designed or how nice the graphics are. A good sitemap will be appreciated by search engines and it is on the top of the SEO best practices’ list.
Insufficient Directory Submissions
Always keep in mind that you will have a better chance of showing up in the ‘not-so-evolved’ cyberspace if you've submitted your site to the 100-200 minor directories. These directories will will help you rank on the basis of your best keywords and therefore you will attract the maximum prospects directly. Remember, the more direct it is, the better it is.
Insufficient Information About the Website Owners
One of the most essential things is to establish a bond of trust with your visitor. You are a stranger to them and your visitors will want to know about you and your company in order to trust you. Only if you succeed in forming the trust will they visit you and sale will happen. It’s always good to put your picture along with a brief bio on the very first page of your site so that you can extend some basic information and assurance there.
Confusing Site Structure
You do not want your visitors to get confused and shift to the next best option. In order to avoid confusion, you need to know exactly what your visitors want and give them exactly what they are looking for. It is best to put a search option on your website so that you get reports on what people search for and this will help you get a better idea.
Improper Link Building
There is this misconception among website owners that buying links is a quick and effective way that will result in a boost to the rankings of their site. You should avoid going after quantity when it comes to link building and should concentrate on the quality as too many unnatural inbound links can trigger devastating penalties on your website.
Improper Planning
The most frequent and silly mistake most website owners commit is that they fail to draw out a systematic marketing plan for their website. Always have a strategic detailed marketing plan because lagging behind due to absence of that is the last thing you want. Design your plan in a way that it establishes your brand and differentiates it from the plans of your competitors.
Duplicate Content
Content should act as the base of your website. It will not only boost your search engine rankings but host other benefits such as branding and audience building. That said, lack of content might still be less harmful than duplicate content. It is absolutely imperative that there is no duplicate content on your website.
Having a digital presence is just as important as the services and products that your business is based on. If you remember to be careful, vigilant, and stay updated when it comes to Internet Marketing, you will be safe.
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