Thursday, 17 July 2014

Multimedia Search Engines: Image, Audio & Video Searching

To find video files, use the "Video" tab. Choose the "Audio" tab to find MP3 and other sound file

select the "Image" tab above the search box. For audio and MP3 files, use the "MP3/Audio" tab. For video, select the "Video" tab

Ditto (images only)
Search or browse to find pictures on the web. Matches are displayed in thumbnail format. Formerly known as Arriba Vista.
Google Images (images only)
Kazaa Media Desktop (MP3 only)
Lycos Pictures and Sounds
The Music Finder (artists & songs, not files)
Picsearch (images only)
Singingfish (audio/video only)

News Search Engines

Google News

 Winner for Best News Search Engine from Search Engine Watch in 2002. (Review: Google News Search Leaps Ahead, Oct. 2, 2002)

 Yahoo News

  Second-place winner for Best News Search Engine from Search Engine Watch in 2002. (Review: A Closer Look At Yahoo News, July 30, 2003)

AllTheWeb News

Honorable mention winner for Best News Search Engine from Search Engine Watch in 2002

AltaVista News

Honorable mention winner for Best News Search Engine from Search Engine Watch in 2002.   


 Best News Search Engine from Search Engine Watch in 2002. (Review: Behind the Scenes at the Daypop Search Engine, Sept. 10, 2003)  

RSS News Feeds & Blog Search Engines


Long-standing services that leverages blog links for discovery purposes.


Feeds are either submitted or found via the site.


BlogStreet operatesInfo Aggregator, an outstanding software-free service lets you subscribe to RSS feeds and have posts delivered via email. You can also keyword search through blog and RSS posts.  





Wednesday, 16 July 2014


 An infographic is simply a visual representation of information. These infographics present complex information or data visualisation quickly and clearly to the viewer. Many good infographics present information clearly, that would normally be very complicated or hidden within excessive amounts of data.

 HOW TO START INFOGRPAHIC Once you have a concept, you need to find the information. Now, you can’t just take any old data at random to create an info-graphic and then expect your visitors to share it all over the web. Your info-graphic has to catch the attention with many people and spark their interest. The info-graphics that tend to work the best are the ones that are able to present huge numbers or complex processes that nobody can really understand or that present data in a really interesting way. The example above illustrates American Presidents inaugural speeches, how many terms they served and how they ended their time in office. All of this information is displayed clearly and easily for people to view and make sense of. SOME IMPORTANT POINT  
Be Controversial Infographics that are about controversial topics can work well and attract traffic to your website. Always know how far to push it though, you could inadvertently alienate large numbers of your regular readers by trying to be too controversial.
Promote Your Infographics! Promotion is the important part. When your infographic is fully made and ready to go, you want people to view it. Make sure you put a coordinated effort into promoting it the best way possible. You should use your blog and other sites you have to promote your work. Don’t forget to link to your infographic on all the major social networking and bookmarking sites, like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Stumbleupon, Digg, etc.
 Submit To Directories Many bloggers make a living from promoting other people’s works, including info-graphics. Submitting your info-graphics to niche directory sites can make sure that your info-graphic gets the attention it deserves. Top publishers may be willing to republish your visual on their sites. It never hurts to ask them if they are interested.
  Make It Easy For People You shouldn’t just assume that people will link to your infographic on their own. Always try to make it as easy as possible for your visitors to share your work around the web. A code snippet that they can copy and paste on their site to promote your work is one good way to do this. Integrating things like AddThis, ShareThis, etc. on your site also makes it really easy for people to tweet, like, +1, etc. your content.
  Focus On Niche Don’t invest the time in creating an extravagant infographic on a topic that isn’t related to your site. Spend time researching beforehand to make sure that you are covering something related to your niche.
 Consider some Outsourcing
  If you aren’t sure how to design an info-graphic for your site, you could consider outsourcing the process. Info-graphics can cost anything from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars depending on the quality. Like anything, you generally get what you pay for!


SEO has mainly divided into two main areas; on-page optimisation which covers what can be done on the pages of the website itself, and off-page optimisation which covers activity that takes place elsewhere (e.g. link-building). – On-Page SEO Checklist: • Always start with keyword selection, research and testing • Meta Description tag • ALT tags • H1 tags • URL structure • Internal linking strategy • Content • Keyword density • Site maps, both XML and user facing • Usability and accessibility • Track target keywords


Social Networking Site Social networking sites known as “Online Reputation Management”, getting involved with social media sites like Facebook, twitter, linked in, pin interest , stumble upon, etc Blogging Blogging is the one of the important way to promote your website online. It’s easy to create and use. If you’re not very good at writing content for your blog, then you could always hire a guest blogger for your blog and ask him/he .
Blog Marketing Blog marketing is the most important marketing .Post comments on other blogs within the same niche as yours, which allow you to add a link in the comments section. These links can then be crawled by search engines, helping to point them towards your site.
 Answer Question Answer question is the essential way.You can actively participate in answering questions on sites like Yahoo Answers. By answering and asking relevant questions on your site niche, you help to build up your reputation as someone that is an expert in your chosen field.
 Social Shopping Network Social shopping is the another important network site in which including lot of thing like as a good strategy for advertising and branding your products for free is to submit then to online shopping networks. By submitting your products to sites like; Google Product Search, Yahoo Online Shopping, MSN Online Shopping, and other major social shopping network sites like Kaboodle, Style
Feeder, etc
  Article Submission Articles Submission is the one of the important seo off pages techniques. In Which post and you can submit them to popular article directory sites like; Ezine, Go Articles, Now Public, etc. This can help drive traffic to your site.
 Local Listings Local Listening is the useful task. You have a website promoting your local business, therefore instead of going global and facing huge competition, listing your website locally, so that search engines can easily view your website and fetch the content, will be much better. Business Reviews Write reviews about others businesses or ask your friends/clients to write a review of your business in major business review sites like RateitAll, Shvoong, Kaboodle, Stylefeeder, etc
Video Marketing Video Marketing is known as a viral marketing. Just like photo sharing, if you have any videos that you have used on your site, then you can submit them to sites like; YouTube, Vimeo, etc. allowing people to find your content in other ways.  
Photo Sharing Photo sharing is the newest task. If you have used any of your own photos or images on your site, then you can share then on many of the major photo sharing websites like Flickr, Picasa, Photo Bucket, etc. Other people will be able to see them and comment on them, hopefully following a link to your site.
 Social Bookmarking Social Bookmarking is another great way of promoting your website. Submit your latest blog posts and pages to the most popular bookmarking sites, like StumbleUpon, Digg, Delicious, Reddit, etc. Search engines really like these types of sites because the content on these sites is updated very frequently.
 Link Baiting Link baiting is another popular way of promoting your site. If you produce a really popular unique post for your site, then other people may want to link to it. Perhaps you have copied/published another website’s content on your site, don’t forget to place their website link as a reference. Do it for others Directory Submission Directory submission is the oldest methods. Many people may say that directory submission is dead! I believe that it isn’t as you are increasing the likely hood of people seeing your website. It is purely based on how effectively we are selecting those directories and how efficiently we are choosing the category for submission.

Monday, 14 July 2014



  SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO)
 SAP Analytics SAP Apparel and Footwear Solution (AFS)
 SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW)
 SAP Business Intelligence (BI)
 SAP Catalog Content Management ()
 SAP Convergent Charging (CC)
 SAP Enterprise Buyer Professional (EBP)
 SAP Enterprise Learning SAP Portal (EP)
SAP Exchange Infrastructure (XI) (From release 7.0 onwards
, SAP XI has been renamed as SAP Process Integration (SAP PI)
SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) Governance,
 Risk and Compliance (GRC) Enterprise Central Component (ECC)
SAP HANA (High-performance Analytics Appliance)
 SAP Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS)
 SAP Internet Transaction Server (ITS)
 SAP Incentive and Commission Management (ICM)
SAP Knowledge Warehouse (KW)
 SAP Manufacturing SAP Master Data Management (MDM)
 SAP Rapid Deployment Solutions (RDS)
 SAP Service and Asset Management
SAP Solutions for mobile business
SAP Solution Composer
 SAP Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM)
 SAP Test Data Migration Server (TDMS)
 SAP Training and Event Management (TEM)
 SAP NetWeaver Application Server (Web AS)
SAP xApps SAP Supply Chain Performance Management (SCPM)
SAP Sustainability Performance Management (SUPM

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Social Signals Improve Rankings

Direct impact comes from: 
 Number of people that like your brand on Facebook Number of Facebook shares Number of Twitter followers Number of tweets mentioning your brand name or including a link to your website Number of people that “have you in their circles” (Google+)

 Indirect impact comes from: Increased inbound links and citations due to improved online visibility/brand awareness Increased positive reviews (in Google Local , Yelp, etc.) due to happier customers Decreased bounce rate, higher time on site, and more repeat visitors to your website While the direct impacts are pretty straightforward, I’ll elaborate on the indirect impacts

. Onsite elements include: Share buttons (like, recommend, tweet, bookmark, etc.) Connect buttons (Like a Facebook page, Follow on Twitter, Follow on LinkedIn, etc.) A blog Offsite elements include: Facebook page Twitter account LinkedIn company page Pinterest account Youtube account Guest blog posting Other social media platforms