Wednesday 16 July 2014


 An infographic is simply a visual representation of information. These infographics present complex information or data visualisation quickly and clearly to the viewer. Many good infographics present information clearly, that would normally be very complicated or hidden within excessive amounts of data.

 HOW TO START INFOGRPAHIC Once you have a concept, you need to find the information. Now, you can’t just take any old data at random to create an info-graphic and then expect your visitors to share it all over the web. Your info-graphic has to catch the attention with many people and spark their interest. The info-graphics that tend to work the best are the ones that are able to present huge numbers or complex processes that nobody can really understand or that present data in a really interesting way. The example above illustrates American Presidents inaugural speeches, how many terms they served and how they ended their time in office. All of this information is displayed clearly and easily for people to view and make sense of. SOME IMPORTANT POINT  
Be Controversial Infographics that are about controversial topics can work well and attract traffic to your website. Always know how far to push it though, you could inadvertently alienate large numbers of your regular readers by trying to be too controversial.
Promote Your Infographics! Promotion is the important part. When your infographic is fully made and ready to go, you want people to view it. Make sure you put a coordinated effort into promoting it the best way possible. You should use your blog and other sites you have to promote your work. Don’t forget to link to your infographic on all the major social networking and bookmarking sites, like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Stumbleupon, Digg, etc.
 Submit To Directories Many bloggers make a living from promoting other people’s works, including info-graphics. Submitting your info-graphics to niche directory sites can make sure that your info-graphic gets the attention it deserves. Top publishers may be willing to republish your visual on their sites. It never hurts to ask them if they are interested.
  Make It Easy For People You shouldn’t just assume that people will link to your infographic on their own. Always try to make it as easy as possible for your visitors to share your work around the web. A code snippet that they can copy and paste on their site to promote your work is one good way to do this. Integrating things like AddThis, ShareThis, etc. on your site also makes it really easy for people to tweet, like, +1, etc. your content.
  Focus On Niche Don’t invest the time in creating an extravagant infographic on a topic that isn’t related to your site. Spend time researching beforehand to make sure that you are covering something related to your niche.
 Consider some Outsourcing
  If you aren’t sure how to design an info-graphic for your site, you could consider outsourcing the process. Info-graphics can cost anything from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars depending on the quality. Like anything, you generally get what you pay for!

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