Tuesday, 29 September 2015


Understanding the techniques used to capture this meaning helps to provide better signals as to what our content relates to, and ultimately helps it to rank higher in search results. This post explores a series of on-page techniques that not only build upon one another, but can be combined in sophisticated ways.
While Google doesn't reveal the exact details of its algorithm, over the years we've collected evidence from interviews, research papers,
As you read, keep in mind these are only some of the ways in which Google could determine on-page relevancy, and they aren't absolute law! Experimenting on your own is always the best policy.
We'll start with the simple, and move to the more advanced.
1. Keyword Usage
In the beginning, there were keywords. All over the page.
The concept was this: If your page focused on a certain topic, search engines would discover keywords in important areas. These locations included the title tag, headlines, alt attributes of images, and throughout in the text. SEOs helped their pages rank by placing keywords in these areas.
Even today, we start with keywords, and it remains the most basic form of on-page optimization.
Keyword Usage

While it's important to ensure your page at a bare minimum contains the keywords you want to rank for, it is unlikely that keyword placement by itself will have much of an influence on your page's ranking potential.
It's not keyword density, it's term frequency–inverse document frequency (TF-IDF).
Google researchers recently described TF-IDF as "long used to index web pages" and variations of TF-IDF appear as a component in several well-known Google patents.
TF-IDF doesn't measure how often a keyword appears, but offers a measurement of importance by comparing how often a keyword appears compared to expectations gathered from a larger set of documents.
If we compare the phrases "basket" to "basketball player" in Google's Ngram viewer, we see that "basketball player" is a more rare, while "basket" is more common. Based on this frequency, we might conclude that "basketball player" is significant on a page that contains that term, while the threshold for "basket" remains much higher.
For SEO purposes, when we measure TF-IDF's correlation with higher rankings, it performs only moderately better than individual keyword usage. In other words, generating a high TF-IDF score by itself generally isn't enough to expect much of an SEO boost. Instead, we should think of TF-IDF as an important component of other more advanced on-page concepts.
3. Synonyms and Close Variants
With over 6 billion searches per day, Google has a wealth of information to determine what searchers actually mean when typing queries into a search box. Google's own research shows that synonyms actually play a role in up to 70% of searches.
To solve this problem, search engines possess vast corpuses of synonyms and close variants for billions of phrases, which allows them to match content to queries even when searchers use different words than your text. An example is the query dog pics, which can mean the same thing as:
• Dog Photos • Pictures of Dogs • Dog Pictures • Canine Photos • Dog Photographs
On the other hand, the query Dog Motion Picture means something else entirely, and it's important for search engines to know the difference.
From an SEO point of view, this means creating content using natural language and variations, instead of employing the same strict keywords over and over again.
Synonyms and Close Variants

Under Hummingbird, co-occurrence is used to identify words that may be synonyms of each other in certain contexts while following certain rules according to which, the selection of a certain page in response to a query where such a substitution has taken place has a heightened probability.

4. Page Segmentation
Where you place your words on a page is often as important as the words themselves.
Each web page is made up of different parts—headers, footers, sidebars, and more. Search engines have long worked to determine the most important part of a given page. Both Microsoft and Google hold several patents suggesting content in the more relevant sections of HTML carry more weight.
Content located in the main body text likely holds more importance than text placed in sidebars or alternative positions. Repeating text placed in boilerplate locations, or chrome, runs the risk of being discounted even more.
Page Segmentation
Page segmentation becomes significantly more important as we move toward mobile devices, which often hide portions of the page. Search engines want to serve users the portion of your pages that are visible and important, so text in these areas deserves the most focus.

5. Semantic Distance and Term Relationships
When talking about on-page optimization, semantic distance refers to the relationships between different words and phrases in the text. This differs from the physical distance between phrases, and focuses on how terms connect within sentences, paragraphs, and other HTML elements.
How do search engines know that "Labrador" relates to "dog breeds" when the two phrases aren't in the same sentence?
Search engines solve this problem by measuring the distance between different words and phrases within different HTML elements. The closer the concepts are semantically, the closer the concepts may be related. Phrases located in the same paragraph are closer semantically than phrases separated by several blocks of text.
Semantic Distance and Term Relationships
Additionally, HTML elements may shorten the semantic distance between concepts, pulling them closer together. For example, list items can be considered equally distant to one another, and "the title of a document may be considered to be close to every other term in document".
Now is a good time to mention Schema.org. Schema markup provides a way to semantically structure portions of your text in a manner that explicitly define relationship between terms.
The great advantage schema offers is that it leaves no guesswork for the search engines. Relationships are clearly defined. The challenge is it requires webmasters to employ special
6. Co-occurrence and Phrase-Based Indexing
Up to this point, we've discussed individual keywords and relationships between them. Search engines also employ methods of indexing pages based on complete phrases, and also ranking pages on the relevance of those phrases.
What's most interesting about this process is not how Google determines the important phrases for a webpage, but how Google can use these phrases to rank a webpage based on how relevant they are.
Using the concept of co-occurrence, search engines know that certain phrases tend to predict other phrases. If your main topic targets "John Oliver," this phrase often co-occurs with other phrases like "late night comedian," "Daily Show," and "HBO." A page that contains these related terms is more likely to be about "John Oliver" than a page that doesn't contain related terms.
Phrase-Based Indexing and Co-occurrence
Add to this incoming links from pages with related, co-occurring phrases and you've given your page powerful contextual signals.
7. Entity Salience
Looking to the future, search engines are exploring ways of using relationships between entities, not just keywords, to determine topical relevance.
Entity salience goes beyond traditional keyword techniques, like TF-IDF, for finding relevant terms in a document by leveraging known relationships between entities. An entity is anything in the document that is distinct and well defined.
The stronger an entity's relationship to other entities on the page, the more significant that entity becomes.
Entity Salience
In the diagram above, an article contains the topics Iron Man, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts and Science Fiction. The phrase "Marvel Comics" has a strong entity relationship to all these terms. Even it only appears once, it's likely significant in the document.
On the other hand, even though the phrase "Cinerama" appears multiple times (because the film showed there), this phrase has weaker entity relationships, and likely isn't as significant.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Ultimate Guide to Increasing Your YouTube Adsense Earnings

Improving your Ads

The first place to improve is with your ads themselves. This assumes that you’ve already reached a point where you can become an official YouTube Partner and monetize your videos.

Monetize video 

Generally you’ll be invited to become a YouTube Partner once you have around 1,000,000 channel views, a reasonable daily view count and a decent number of videos. 

Use keyword research to target your videos.

keyword research helps you know what users are looking for in videos, and it helps them find your videos on the subject. 

 video tags to attract higher value ads.

Sometimes all it takes to access better ads is tweaking your keywords.

Improving your Videos

More impressions and clicks means more profit so optimize your videos and produce excellent content to maximize your profits.

Create videos people want to see. 

This is the key to all YouTube success. You can spend thousands of dollars on high production videos all you like.

Post videos regularly. 

 A schedule does two things. First, it gives users a guarantee of regular content, even if it’s once per week. It gives them something to look forward to. Scheduling is why weekly television is so effective.

Brand yourself. 

 You can post the same video on two different channels, one with a personal username and one with a brand name, and the brand name will almost definitely perform better.

Link in the description. 

Your video description is partially hidden by default, so only the most interested people will be expanding it to check out the details. This is a great place, surprisingly, to include links to your site, Facebook, Google+, Twitter or whatever other sites you want to advertise.

Include end-of-video call to action boxes.  

The standard, when you watch serious channel videos, seems to be two boxes with annotation links to related videos, a box that links via annotation to your channel subscription page, and space for some words or an actor encouraging clicking one of the boxes.

Optimize descriptions and titles for SEO.  

Your video description and your title are the only text associated with your video, unless you implement captions, which aren’t indexed by search engines anyway.

Pick a compelling thumbnail. 

By default, YouTube selects frames from partway through your video – generally the 25 percent and 50 percent points – to create thumbnails for you to choose.

Optimize your channel page itself. 

Few beginners think to change the look and feel of their channel page, but even a few simple changes can make a world of difference.

Use shorter videos as intros to the channel. 

Users have a hard time justifying the investment of starting a video 10+ minutes long if they don’t already know they like the content produced by the channel.

Implement captions. 

Closed captions can be generated automatically by YouTube, but the software that creates them is notorious for poor captions.

Create video responses to popular industry videos.  

Responding to other videos has declined somewhat in recent years, but it can still be a good way to siphon traffic from more popular channels, particularly when the response you make is valuable and interesting.

Promote your videos in blog posts.  

Many businesses use YouTube as an afterthought, to host videos they embed in their blog posts for value.

Promote your videos on social media accounts. 

Facebook and Google+ work very well to post videos with their robust preview generation. 

Promote your video series’ through partner blogs. 

You aren’t limited to using your videos in your own blog. One common blog sharing technique is to write a post responding to a popular post, in hopes of sharing that post’s audience.